The Healthy Perspective
Welcome to The Healthy Perspective Podcast hosted by Dr. Chris Boman southern California chiropractor, entrepreneur, mentor and author. Dive in with Dr. Chris as he extracts the "Secret Sauce" to success from his own personal experience as well as interviews with some of the top business owners, athletes, leaders & activists from around the world. Together you will dig into what perspective shifts and mindset breaks, sparked their launches into success and led to living a life filled with abundance. Join the Preorder book list here:
The Healthy Perspective
EP 53 | Building a Business Legacy with Dr. Tom Preston
Dr. Chris Boman
This week Dr. Chris is joined by Dr. Tom Preston, a highly sought after trainer, consultant, advisor and coach who's passion is helping chiropractic entrepreneurs build their business to create a lasting legacy. He ran his own successful chiropractic practice and thats where he started mentoring ant consulting with other chiropractors. He and Dr. Chris break down how he came to run his own successful practice and what led him to start Full Circle Coaching and Consulting. Dr. Tom shares how when it comes to business, bigger isn't always better.
Connect & learn more about Dr. Preston: